Saundarya Lahari
Saundarya Lahari
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- Written by Patrick Misson
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- Hits: 12499
हरक्रोध-ज्वालावलिभि-रवलीढेन वपुषा
गभीरे ते नाभीसरसि कृतसङो मनसिजः ।
समुत्तस्थौ तस्मा-दचलतनये धूमलतिका
जनस्तां जानीते तव जननि रोमावलिरिति
gabhire te nabhi sarasi krtasango manasijah
samuttasthau tasmad acala tanaye dhuma latika
janastam janite janani tava romavalir iti
In the fire of Shiva's ire, into the deep lake of Your navel,
O Mountain Daughter, he dived, and on re-emerging,
The smoke thus raised, the people look upon as Your rows of hair.
Hara krodha jvala vali bhih - by the collection of glances of fire/by the ensembles of the glances of fire of the anger of Hara
Avalidhena vapusha - with body permeated through and through
Gabhire te nabhi sarasi - in the deep navel-lake of thine
Krta sangah - one who has submerged himself
Manasijah samuttasthau - Eros rising up
Tasmad - from it (from this sinking)
Achala tanaye - o Daughter of the Hills
Dhuma latika - smoke streak
Janah stam - people, them
Janite - treat it like
Janani tava roma valir iti - o Mother, to be Your hairy ensembles (Mount Tamalpais) (sic - see the Guru's autobiography, page 620, Adventures in Inner and Outer Space. referring to Hippie Midsummer orgies on Mount Tamalpais. ED)
Another version:
Hara krodha jvala vali bhih - by the encircling flames of the ire of Shiva
Avalidhena vapusha - with body engulfed
Gabhire te nabhi sarasi - in the profound navel lake of Yours
Krtah sangah - having dived
Manasi jaha samuttasthau - the mind-born god Eros emerged therefrom
Tasmat - by that reason
Achala tanaye - daughter of the mountain
Dhuma latika - the creeper-like streaks of smoke
Janas tam - them, the people
Janite - they take to be
Janani tava roma valih iti - o Mother as Your rows of hairs
Uha-poha: That intuitive faculty which is akin to imagination or insight, or even critical acumen which, like statesmanship, chivalry or even craftsmanship is a gift with which certain persons are more endowed than others. It is more than what mere scholarship can give.
Ripples on the river seem to be a slight disturbance on the horizontal when it is met by the vertical.
The waist is referred to also as slim - it is a kind of parameter.
"There are some people with great insight who will see something very slender at Your navel, and will see a slight delicate interplay, like ripples.
The hollow of Your navel is filled with these; and that is where the attenuated space from between the breasts is entering".
When noumenal (positive) meets phenomenal (negative, perceptible by the senses or through immediate experience), there is a delicate touch of ripples such as found on the surface of a river when a gentle breeze blows.
The milk ocean is at a certain level.
Narayana; One who sleeps on the primordial waters (Nara, water; ayana, to lie in repose). Creation, before Brahma gave it the four directions, symbolized by his four heads, has the indefinite nature of all-pervading water ("God moved upon the face of the waters" as Genesis, I, 2 puts it) on which the numinous principle of life or creation was supposed to recline. ED).
Why is there fire suddenly at the area of the navel?
Because this man, Eros, is suffering from the contradiction of actualization.
But when you get to the Denominator, perceptual factors are mutually exclusive - the character of the vertical axis is now changed from water to fire.
When a man is erotic, he is likely to be pushing out some rival.
Eros is an entity belonging to that level, so he cannot sink forever.
He has a degree of immortality, and so he has to come back onto the scene.
He has to come there week by week.
This brings out the rahman-rahim aspect of the Absolute (Arabic, "(Allah) the merciful, the compassionate"see Quran).
- بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
- bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm
- Details
- Written by Patrick Misson
- Parent Category: Content
- Hits: 15369
यदेतत्कालिन्दी-तनुतर-तरङ्गाकृति शिवे
कृशे मध्ये किञ्चिज्जननि तव यद्भाति सुधियाम् ।
विमर्दा-दन्योन्यं कुचकलशयो-रन्तरगतं
तनूभूतं व्योम प्रविशदिव नाभिं कुहरिणीम्
krse maddhye kincijjanani tava yad bhati sudhiyam
vimardad anyonyamkucakalasayor antaragatam
tanubhutam vyoma pravisad iva nabhim kuharinim
Looking like ripples on the surface of the river Kalindi,
Looms in the mind of contemplatives as space reduced to ethereal particles
Entering into the cavity of Your navel, and produced by the friction of Your pot-like breasts.
("There is also non-Euclidian space, projective space, scalar space, topological space, vectorial space, as also the structure of space as understood by Minkowski, Lobachevsky and Riemann". In mathematics non-Euclidean geometry is a small set of geometries based on axioms closely related to those specifying Euclidean Geometry The essential difference between the metric geometries is the nature of parallel lines. Another way to describe the differences between these geometries is to consider two straight lines indefinitely extended in a two-dimensional plane that are both perpendicular to a third line.
- In Euclidean geometry the lines remain at a constant distance from each other even if extended to infinity, and are known as parallels.
- In hyperbolic geometry they "curve away" from each other, increasing in distance as one moves further from the points of intersection with the common perpendicular; these lines are often called ultraparallels.
- In elliptic geometry the lines "curve toward" each other and intersect. ED)
Yadetat - gleaming (with a sheen)
Kalindi tanutara taranga krtih - of the form of the slender or fine ripples on the surface of the river Kalindi
Shive - o Shiva-consort
Krshe madhye - with thin middle part
Kimchit - something
Janani - mother
Tava yat - that which is Yours
Bhati sudhiyam - to learned and good devotees it shines (as)
Vimardad anyonyam kucha kala shayoh - by mutual impact of the water-pot-shaped breasts
Antara gatam - what lies between
Tanu bhutam vyomam - made into a thin, schematic factor (sky-space: "bhutam vyomam")
Pravishad iva - as if entering
Nabhim kuharinim - the navel, an orifice or opening
Another version:
Yad etat - this which is here seen
Kalindi tanu tara taranga krti - having the form of superfine ripples on the river Kalindi
Shive - o Shiva consort
Krshe madhye - at Your slender middle region
Kinchit - that something
Janani - o Mother
Tava yad - Yours which is
Bhati sudhiyam - looms in the mind of contemplatives
Vimardat anyonyam kucha kala shayoh - reduced by the friction of Your pot-like breasts
Antara gatam - entering inside (the cavity of the navel)
Tanu bhutam vyoma - pure space reduced to ethereal particles
Pravishad iva nabhim - as if entering into the cavity of the navel
Kuharinim - which has a hollow cavity.
The Devi is here treated as a universal concrete.
There is no major difficulty in its treatment.
The surface picture is of an affiné river.
This is Eddington's physical world, exponential mathematics.
It is pure mathematical contemplation, abstracted and generalized.
The four dimensions become abstract at the waist where there is only a vertical vertebral column.
There is no psycho-physical communication except through the Susumna - the extremely thin central nadi or passage.
This is gynaecological schematismus.
Above are some examples of Minkowskian Space