Saundarya Lahari
Saundarya Lahari
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- Written by Patrick Misson
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- Hits: 13508
नितम्बा-दाच्छिद्य त्वयि हरण रूपेण निदधे ।
अतस्ते विस्तीर्णो गुरुरयमशेषां वसुमतीं
नितम्ब-प्राग्भारः स्थगयति सघुत्वं नयति च
nitambad acchidya tvayi harana rupena nidadhe
ataste vistirno gurur ayam asesam vasumatim
nitamba pregbharah sthagayati laghutvam nayati ca
Cutting them off from his own hips; thus these,
Yours here, both weighty and expansive, cancel out the whole world
And by prior substantiality confer lightness on it too.
- Anterior non-existence (pragabhava),
- Mutual non-existence (anyonyabhava)
- Ultimate non -existence (atyantabhava)
- Absolute non-existence after destruction. (pradhvamsabhava).
(According to Descartes, the two different kinds of substance (in spite of having contradictory properties) somehow combine in a human being. A person comprises: 1. Res cogitans: thinking substance (mind or soul or consciousness) 2. Res extensa: extended substance (body). ED)
("Élan vital" was a term coined by French philosopher Henri Bergson in his 1907 book "Creative Evolution", in which he addresses the question of self-organisation and spontaneous morphogenesis of things in an increasingly complex manner. Elan vital was translated in the English edition as "vital impetus", but is usually translated by his detractors as "vital force". It is a hypothetical explanation for the evolution and development of organisms, which Bergson linked closely with consciousness. ED)
(The Fitzgerald Contraction is the physical phenomenon of a decrease in length detected by an observer of objects that travel at any non-zero velocity relative to that observer. This contraction (more formally called Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction) is usually only noticeable at a substantial fraction of the speed of light; the contraction is only in the direction parallel to the direction in which the observed body is traveling. ED)
Gurutvam vistaram - ponderability and extensiveness
Kshiti dhara patih - the earth-supporting Lord
Parvati - o Mountain Daughter
Nijat nitambat acchidya - cutting off from his own proper hips
Tvayi harana rupena - to You by way of dowry
Nidadhe - he bestows
Atah te - this it is (Your)
Vistirno gurur ayam - which is both weighty and expansive
Vishesham - vasumatih - the whole earth
Nitamba pragbarah - by prior substantiality
Sthagayati - cancels
Laghu tvam nayati cha - confers lightness on it also
Gurutvam vishtaram - heaviness and expansiveness
Kshitidhara patih - the earth-supporting lord
Parvati - O Parvati
Nijat nitambadacchidya - having taken from his own behind part
Tvayi harana rupena - to you as dowry
Nidadhe - gave
Atah te - by reason of this, your
Vistirno gurur ayam - one is expansive and heavy
(Asesam vasumatim - ? not here Nitamba Pragbharah) - the anterior weight of your hips
Sthagayati - is made to shrink
Laghutvam nayati cha - makes it have lightness also.
1 - Heaviness and expansiveness
2 - The earth-supporting Lord, O Parvati
3 - Having taken from his own hind part
4 - To you as dowry
5 - Gave
6 - By reason of this, your
7 - One is expansive and heavy
8 - The anterior weight of your hips (before marriage it is expansive, and after it becomes thin)
9 - Is made to shrink
10 - Make it have lightness also
The Devi's husband (Shiva) is high Numerator and will not descend.
Eros does the job.
These three bindings are the vertical compensation for the horizontal swelling of the breasts, and prevent the vertical axis from breaking
This is like inertia and field quality - like gravitation and the electromagnetic field.
It retains the Numerator for itself and gives also to the Denominator.
By reason of the preciousness of the Devi, Shiva gives the hierophantic, numerator, aspect of himself as dowry - e.g.: the hind part.
The horizontal piece of ground - horizontalized space - has mass and breadth.
That kind of heaviness which is presupposed (like that of a concierge) is taken away.
The Devi becomes slim - by way of the expansiveness supplied by the Numerator, and the abolished Numerator gives mass and weight to the Denominator.
This gives a quantitative aspect to the Devi so that She becomes slim and endowed with high value.
The Devi must have a Numerator factor to balance the Denominator.
This is the secret for wisdom and ultimate salvation.
Men think with their heads, women think with their behinds; the women are right.
See the structures dealing with necessity and contingency. (Necessity is Denominator, and Contingency is Numerator)
What can save Her is establishing bipolarity with the Numerator: consolation is a one-one correspondence.
"My husband does not pay me or sleep with me, but he is the father of my children"
You accept everything that is necessity, and cancel it with the corresponding Numerator value.
That which has absolute value falls on the vertical axis.
That which is relativistic falls to one side or the other and is confusing (It is horizontal).
Art and beauty are the consolations for the world of necessities.
There are laws laid down somewhere and they provide one-one correspondence.
The emancipated woman is a myth - unless you put Berna to the sword, like Medea in Greek Tragedy.
Vedanta says: "Don't kill anybody - cancel the Numerator and the Denominator.
You can be like Medea, or you can follow the laws of necessity and contingency as laid down in Vedanta.
All necessities vanish when you know the Absolute - "the truth shall make you free" etc.
Proper conduct will often clear confusion.
(Similarly with Feng Shui: improper architecture at the place of business will upset the storekeeper: a Chinese sage will come to the failing business and say: "that door is in the wrong place, let me move it here" and the business succeeds from then on. Every detail must be correct).
All proper meditation is erotic, anyone who says that it is not so does not know what he is talking about
Shiva's hips are thin and Time-like.
A certain negativity and heaviness descends here as conferred by the Numerator.
Weight and extensiveness are three-dimensional when they come to Parvati, but they are fourth-dimensional when we are dealing with Shiva.
They are again absorbed into higher mathematics.
The Devi's hips are a greater obstruction and hide the concrete world below: then by meditating on Shiva she ascends and the heavy hips gain a lightness as far as the Devi is concerned.
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- Written by Patrick Misson
- Parent Category: Content
- Hits: 14583
उभाभ्यामूरुभ्या-मुभयमपि निर्जित्य भवति ।
सुवृत्ताभ्यां पत्युः प्रणतिकठिनाभ्यां गिरिसुते
विधिज्ञे जानुभ्यां विबुध करिकुम्भ द्वयमसि
ubhabhyam urubhyam ubhayam api nirjitya bhavati
suvrttabhyam patyuh pranati kadhinabhyam giri sute
vidhijne janubhyam vibudha kari kumbha dvayam api
By thighs and by knees having goodly callosities, due to daily devotions
To Your Lord, even the twin frontal knobs of the heavenly elephant
You outdo, o Mountain Daughter triumphant.
Karindranam sundan - with the trunks of the best of elephants
Kanaka kadali kanda patalim - like the gold stems of a group of banana trees
Ubhabhyam urubhyam - by the two thighs
Ubhayam api nirjitya - having won over both, transcending
Bhavati suvrtta abhyam - you one full of good life story
Patyuh pranati kathina abhyam - who has become hard (with callosity) by prostration to the husband
Giri sute - o daughter of the mountain
Vidhijne - one who knows the correctness of actions (ritual or not)
In the Sanskrit tradition you start at the head and work down.
In the previous verse, fatness is found in the hips of Shiva, but he gives it to the Devi and through adoration, she remains slim.
In this verse, the Devi's knees are compared to the callosity on the elephant's forehead - they are not beautiful, because she is kneeling down in accordance with Vedic rites.
(Example of a fat women at the Hare Krishna temple.)
Parvati does not omit her puja (worship), and thus her knees are hard, but by nature Her thighs are tender and polished like banana stems.
But, ever remaining a queen, she puts herself into relationship with the Numerator through devotion and pujas.
These hundred verses are constructed... (?)
Another version. in the Guru's own hand and fragmentary:
"... polished and golden by the two thighs, having won over both
transcending both of these analogies and r.... (raised ?) in roughness at the knees...
....Good stories of the life activities of the husband...
...which has become hard because of daily prostrations continued for a long time.
Necessity by absolute contingencies in proper order and system.
...daughter of the mountain who knows everything which is ordained in the scriptures.
By the two knees (or kneecaps)
You have transcended elephant knobs (by that holy elephant of Indra).
(the two knobs of necessity (knees) are transcended )"
The value of the knobs on the elephant's head is this Beauty.
Here, the poet is describing all that happens to the Denominator aspect of the Absolute (Her thighs and knees) - while she has not forgotten the Numerator (Her devotion to Shiva).
We have started with realistic imagery and it is carried on throughout the text.
Without the connection with the Numerator, the Devi will go mad.
Abstract and generalize, in other words, schematize.
"Make a green book into the Universal Concrete - think of greenness."
Why should the Devi prostrate?
The callosity on the knees represents the Universal Concrete.
We have in this verse Beauty as a Universal Concrete - as abstract value represented by a concrete colour.
The same grade of epistemology is used throughout.
(The above structure has no accompanying text and is unclear. ED)
The kneeling does not hurt her, but only glorifies her, she knows the way of behaviour proper to a good family.